NPA: The Bridge (A Comprehensive Audio Programme for The NPA Process)
In this audio programme, Joel will walk you through the fundamental principles of Non-Personal Awareness. He will teach you, in depth, how to apply the NPA process and offer you practices and examples of how you can use it to make a huge difference in your life right away.
“I listen to NPA: The Bridge everyday on my way to and from work. Very glad I made that purchase. Had my yearly physical on Tuesday and my cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been! Must be NPA working it’s magic. Thanks, Glen.” Glen Williams, Canada
NPA Helps You Cross The Bridge From Pain & Suffering to Freedom & Peace
Do you...
- Feel stuck in a rut and sense that if you could get some kind of movement or progress it would feel amazing!?
- Live with any kind of pain, illness or ongoing suffering and long to be free of it?
- Often find yourself in a state of confusion and wish you had simple way to get clear?
- Constantly suffer from a sense of lack and wonder when your abundant self is going to show up?
- Experience conflict in your life, and are looking for a way to feel genuine peace without being a push-over?
- Like to 'work on your stuff' but would love a simpler and more time effective way to do that?
- Long to turn all that inner work you've done into practical, effective and rewarding outer work in the world?
- Sense there is a wholesome and easy way to stay connected to the realities of modern living, without compromising your commitment to a conscious lifestyle?
- Find you learn so much more when you can hear things several times, and work at your own pace?
If you can say yes to any of these then you are ready to...
- Join thousands of fellow NPA-ers in the playground of effortless transformation!
- Step into a life where navigating life's challengers just got 'easy'
- Own 'NPA: The Bridge' and start by Mastering the NPA process
“I can't even express to you how much this has impacted my life already so quickly!!” Holly Reardon, USA
The techniques for freeing the suffering within the individual human consciousness have evolved and we're living in a time where all of humanity is feeling the shift. NPA is perfectly placed to help you meet the challenges of today. This audio programme will help you step into a more fluid and free reality. It will widen your vision of what’s possible and help you throw off the shackles that have held you back and kept you small…
The NPA Process allows you to:
- Let go of the yukky stuff, and let in the yummy stuff of life
- Harness the possibilities of a more fluid & free reality
- Discover a genuinely inclusive & kinder perspective
- Experience effortless transformation, in harmony with the Universe
- Experience effortless manifestation, in harmony with the Universe
- Cross a ‘bridge in consciousness’ to a more easeful life experience
NPA has helped users release: depression, asthma, eczema, dyslexia & headaches plus stop smoking, lose weight, even end bankruptcy and a whole lot more!
This Audio Programme will help you to:
- Deeply understand and connect with the NPA process
- Become relaxed and easy about using it in practice
- Experience the true non-personal nature of the universe and the freedom that brings
- Easily identify ‘Cookie Cutter’ energies that are blocking your flow and release them
- Understand the primary cause of suffering and learn how the process ends it
- Reconnect with the natural cycle of experience and quickly return to a state of flow
- Free yourself from outdated concepts that slow down change and step into the energy of accelerated transformation
- Use the NPA process confidently and effectively with yourself & others
“My issue was that I felt I was always alone... (After the programme) I almost instantly noticed changes in my life – I got phone calls, I met my son in the supermarket (first time ever!!), I got an invitation to a Midsummer party, I got an invitation to become a true friend to a person I admired, the man I had such deep feelings for contacted me and wanted to see me. I was so thankful for everything and the many other small changes that came.” Gina Lind, Finland
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Here's an overview of the contents of "NPA: The Bridge"
The Birth of NPA: Be inspired by the story of how The NPA Process was born in answer to a prayer and set Joel on a path that would re-educate him from the ground up! The Divine Wind: At Last! This much requested story, and foundational NPA metaphor, is finally available and narrated by Joel as part of this programme The Power of Awareness: Discover the 3 power qualities of awareness that are expressed through the change process and why awareness is the fundamental engine at the heart of NPA
NPA & Science: In easy to understand terms, learn how quantum physics supports the non-personal perspective and why the new 'energetic' mindset is changing our planet forever NPA & Spirituality: Discover NPA's 'post-awakening' model of consciousness. Gain clarity and releif as it resolves the paradoxes found in modern Spiritual thinking and invites genuine wholeness The Nature of Suffering & It's Simple Solution: Joel offers incredible insights into the nature and source of suffering, and through his explanation of the 'Cycle of Experience' he reveals a simple way to end it
The Art of Eliciting Cookie Cutters: Discover how to use the set up questions in NPA to find 'Animated' Cookie Cutter energies that are the start point of the NPA process and your keys to freedom The NPA Process line by line: Joel breaks down the process and reveals the purpose, action and intent of each line, pointing out distinctions, clarifying common misconceptions and helping you 'get it' at the deepest possible level Facilitation guides: Throughout the programme, Joel offers detailed facilitation guidance for working with yourself or with others. There are also live recordings of The NPA Process in action
Manifesting with NPA: Joel reveals the biggest trap that people fall into when interpreting 'manifestation' concepts and teaches you how to use NPA to gracefully let in the yummy stuff of life The NPA Programmes: Get detailed instructions for the powerful 30 & 33 day NPA programmes that help shift the stubborn stains on your experience. See painful prevailing habits, emotional patterns & ingrained traits wash away Bringing NPA Alive in you: Discover how to have the Non-Personal perspective 'come alive' in you and establish a more energetic and fluid experience of reality, where everything falls magically into place
Melting Resistance: Whether in yourself, your mother, kids, spouse or teenage hoard you've probably hit resistance with many personal growth and/or healing approaches. NPA seems oddly acceptable to these folks - find out why Working Beyond Belief: Learn why NPA doesn't require your belief and hear how: many people have used the NPA Process almost with cynicism, and certainly without any belief in it, only to come back amazed at the results Expanding Healing Potential: Joel busts some of the modern healing myths that could actually be limiting your healing potential and explains how NPA both embraces AND expands these ideas - opening a more effortless route to wholeness
A Complete Transcript: Get a beautifully presented transcript of the entire audio programme on PDF, including the appendices, to read through at your leisure, put on your reading tablet or print out!
“Elicitation and animation were huge things I learned from taking the course. My "cookie cutters" and their opposites, the positive affirmations, are great, but they seem a bit flat now, compared to what a genuine animated cookie cutter is.” L.T., New York, USA
Many people come to NPA simply for it's power to help them experience tremendous relief in some area of their life, or to find an easy way to allow themselves to experience some of the delicious possibilities of life that have thus far alluded them...
Real People, Real Transformation
The impact of applying NPA is phenomenal. People are reporting huge shifts in consciousness, allowing them to experience relief and flow where they have been blocked for years, and an opening to allow their dreams to finally manifest. Some reported results from NPA include...
- Emily’s autistic stepson has experienced peace and tranquillity for the first time
- Two year old Jasmine no longer has an ‘incurable’ skin virus
- Damien has given up smoking
- Susanne has let go of Eczema
- Paulla has stopped her eye from constantly ‘watering’
- Laura & many others have let go of exhaustion
- Barry has finally let in love
- Harriet & others have noticed the headaches stop
- Anne watched 18 years of depression leave in two minutes!
- Valerie has let go of a lifetime of pain
- Joel & many others have lost weight and become much fitter
- Andrea's 3 week asthma attack subsided within minutes
- Sarah has cleared her debt and imminent bankruptcy in 1 month
- Kathryn has moved from a state of financial crisis to a state of regular, healthy, wealthy income in just 33 days
NPA Releases 2yr old from 'Incurable' Skin Virus:
Deborah Lacy, Journey Practitioner, London “My daughter Jasmine contracted Molluscum Contagiosum from swimming when she was about 10 months to 1year old. Basically there is nothing medically you can do for it. When we were in South Africa in January the bumps/rash flared up and became red and sore and developed into nasty sores. I became quite concerned and took her to a doctor who again said there was nothing I could do. So I decided to do some NPA. I think I did about 2 or 3 NPA processes. 'This Jasmine's skin virus, This energy of Jasmine's skin virus' etc. Anyway when we got back from South Africa it cleared up within about a week. Jasmine is now 2 years and 8 months”
An Upward Spiral:
Joseph Seiler CPCC, Canada “I was in a slump, a low like I had never experienced before. Fear was making inroads and I was thinking negative, debilitating thoughts, pushing away what I usually felt was good. Frankly, I was getting scared that something was wrong with me. Joel listened and waited and listened some more. He then asked my permission to use his Non-Personal Awareness (NPA) method with me. To my amazement and delight, within minutes, literally, I felt a shift toward the positive. It was an undeniable shift and many hours later I was still enjoying the feeling of it… I have been enjoying the quick and positive up-spiral that NPA seems to so easily bring any time that I choose to use it. My experience with such tools puts NPA right up there with 'The Work' of Byron Katie. Powerful and deceptively simple.”
18 Years of Depression. Gone in 2 mins:
Ann Davies, Therapist, UK “I have used NPA alongside EFT and found it extremely powerful. I have suffered with depression on and off for 18 years or so. Yesterday, I felt like I was going into my "black hole" as I call it. I decided to take myself off for a walk and half way round the walk I 'spewed' out loud to myself to find the NPA cookie cutter phrase. It was "I've lost my way". I then did the NPA whilst tapping my karate point and then under my eye (my special EFT release point) and then stood still for it to work it's magic. After a few minutes I continued on my walk and by the time I got home, the "black hole feeling" had completely gone. For anyone who has suffered with depression this will seem unbelievable and it certainly felt that way to me. I also wanted to let Joel know that I found his workshop really easy to learn from. His teaching style is brilliant, funny, visual, open, interactive, hands on and sensitive. What more could anyone ask for?”
No More Back Pain:
Susanne Magnusson, Hair Dresser & NPA Community Member, Sweden “This morning I woke up without pain in my lower back.!!!!!! Less then two weeks ago I had a thought that said 'I wonder if I ever will wake up again without pain in my lower back.' Today was the day. Last weekend visiting my parents summer house, my pain was worse, then worst. I´m used to it now and I just cope with it. So this morning was a great surprise....NO PAIN...where is it? What happend? NPA and 'The Olympic Event of My Life' [An NPA Themed Community Call] - That was happening. Thanks Joel for NPA and all that you do for it.”
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This programme gives you a transformational skill for life for just £247
Joel Young is the Originator of NPA, a Visionary Leader in the field of Human Consciousness and a genuine 21st Century Heretic, with over 17 years experience of healing & teaching internationally. In his inspiring talks, seminars and online programmes, Joel shares the NPA Process and its message, asking you: "Are you ready for profound positive change that comes this easy?" Joel describes how in January 2006 he ‘disappeared’ in a cave in India, and in January 2007 he received a revelation in answer to a prayer. He was ‘given’ a simple process, and a message to share. The simplicity of the process belied its power and the profundity of the message is expanding through Consciousness, and the Global Community. Joel is renowned for his dynamic, humorous and clear delivery and has a knack for communicating the essence of a topic in a simple, heartfelt and easy to digest way.
“NPA is like the key to the kingdom for anyone who will just try simplicity and dare to use a few choice words” Eric Clark, ON., Canada
We have absolute confidence that this product will have a profound and positive impact on your your life. If you complete the programme and don't agree that you have, or will benefit from your experience and what you have learned, then we will give you your money back. Simple as that. Thank you for choosing to go ahead and purchase it!
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