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Find A Certified NPA Practitioner

Everyone below is a Certified NPA Practitioner and has demonstrated their ability
to do exquisite 1:1 facilitation with Non-Personal Awareness.

"I personally recommend the people below. They have undergone rigorous  training with me, have lots of NPA experience and do fantastic 1:1 work”

Joel Young, Creator of NPA

Please connect directly with the practitioner(s) who resonate with you, using the links provided in their bio. 
Looking to work 1:1 with Joel? Click Here

Marja Koivisto 

Certified NPA Teacher

Location: Helsinki, Finland
Sessions: Online & in person
Languages: English, Finnish, Swedish
Certification: 2011

Marja specialises in guiding her clients through their human change processes and she has a vast understanding of change also through her own experience of big leaps both in career and in personal life.

She has nearly 20 years of experience in guiding her clients in various fields of wellbeing and self-leadership.

Before that she had a career in corporate business and has maintained and trained herself to help people in rapidly changing work environments to feel happy and fulfilled about their work – and their life.

NPA’s ideology of all being energy and thus fluid and rapidly changeable has been one of the fundamental influencing ideas in her work with clients since 2010. It allows the possibility of economical, easy and relatively effortless change to happen.

Marja graduated as a Certified NPA Teacher in 2011 and has been teaching NPA since then.

Use the buttons below to book a free 15 minute clarity call with Marja and visit her website:



Clare Jackson 

Certified NPA Teacher

Location: Norfolk, UK
Sessions: Online & in person
Languages: English
Certification: 2012

Clare has been a Certified Teacher of NPA since 2012, and since then has worked with hundreds of clients across a huge breadth of issues.

She loves to share and teach NPA and see people’s surprise when they realise how incredibly simple and beautifully effective it is. And, best of all, the unexpected positive changes that happen effortlessly as they embrace the non-personal perspective

Visit Clare’s website where you will find prices and a calendar to book your sessions. If you would like to meet Clare before working with her, or ask her any questions, please book a complimentary 15 minute call (use the links below)



Gulara Vincent 

Location: Ashburton, South Devon
Sessions: Online & in person
Languages: English, Russian & Azerbaijani 
Certification: 2021

Gulara helps her clients to finally truly heal from what's really causing their relationship to split apart. She holds a deep safe space for you to release pain and trauma that affects your intimate relationships.

Using a unique blend of cutting-edge energy healing methods, she supports you in transforming your personal life, so that you can live up to your full potential at home and at work.

She’s a bestselling author of ‘Hammer, Sickle & Broom’, associate law lecturer, and certified Compassion Key, Non-Personal Awareness, Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy, Spiritual Acceleration and Reiki (1 and 2) practitioner.

Relationships, trauma (for example, childhood, sexual etc), fatigue and health challenges.



Charlotte Kanyi 

Location: Birmingham, UK
Sessions: Online & in person
Languages: English
Certification: 2021

Charlotte helps you to explore and heal your very foundations in this world, from your womb and birth time, so that you can confidently live the life you came here for. She supports you to resolve the repeating patterns, intergenerational traumas and imprinting that are holding you back from living life fully, on your terms. She works predominantly with women and mothers of all ages to heal birth trauma, both from giving birth and being born.

She loves the way NPA gets right to the heart of the energetic patterns, shifting the dynamic and healing the pain without having to relive or retell the trauma; her clients call it magic.

If you have lingering regrets about how your children were born; if you find it overwhelming being in this constantly changing world where the goal posts keep moving; If your anxiety and fear is preventing you from doing what you know you want to really then you may benefit from working with Charlotte to reset the foundations of how you arrived in the world.

To get started you can download this free Explore Your Own Birth Work Book here.



Belinda Noakes 

Location: Queensland, Australia
Sessions: Online
Languages: English
Certification: 2021

Belinda specialises in helping super sensitive souls enjoy being human. You can get help with:

• being terrified to speak up about what you want (or don’t want)
• hating your job so much it makes you feel sick, but being unable to leave
• suppressing shame from childhood abuse
• repeating old family patterns, even when you try not to
• getting stuck in grief, even years after the loss
• being held hostage by persistent addictions
• gaslighting or abuse from religious or New Age teachers
• the horror of realising someone or something is not who/what you thought
• shock and betrayal after repeated mistreatment
• the persistent feeling that a better life is not possible

Belinda was certified as an NPA Facilitator in 2021. Before completing her formal NPA Mastery training, she worked with hundreds of clients as a Master Facilitator of The Compassion Key. Visit her website to learn more or book a free 15 minute Clarity Call if you’re ready to chat.



Hanneke J. Nijland

Location: Wageningen/Heaveadorp, The Netherlands
Sessions: Online & Nature Walks
Languages: English, Dutch & Turkish
Certification: 2023

Hanneke (pronounced 'Han-nuk-kah') has a mind full of knowledge, a shelf full of books, a toolbox full of methods, half a lifetime of experience, and a heart full of empathy. She lights up when people connect with themselves, others, and their surroundings - and she knows how to get them there. Hanneke created Relationship Path Counselling, a combination of individual relationship therapy, relationship 'career'-coaching and self-research facilitation. In short: when you're struggling on the way to a satisfying relationship, for any reason, don't hesitate to reach out to her. She will help you explore what's going on, untangle patterns and find your bearings.

Personal Relationship Path Exploration/Counselling, Relationship Path Mapping (guided self-research journey) & Shared Center Work (with a partner).


Shila Jassal

Location: Rochester, Kent, UK
Sessions: Online
Languages: English & Panjabi
Certification: 2023

Shila specialises in helping clients move through major transition points in their lives, including dealing with loss and bereavement and change. She offers a safe and compassionate space for clients and has over 20 years experience in this field.

Shila combines a range of healing modalities to create the shifts that are needed for her clients.

She is also an established therapist, spiritual life coach, hypnotherapist, workshop facilitator, death doula, and author of her first book: "Transition and Greatness".

SpecialismTransitions, Death, Bereavement, Change, Health, Money, Purpose/Mission/Impact, Relationship, Spiritual.


What our practitioner's clients are saying...

"Hanneke has an uncanny ability to ask the right questions, provide new perspectives, and guide you towards self-discovery. I can honestly say that her guidance has had a profound impact on my relationship journey and has helped me navigate some of the most challenging moments of my life."

Ardina Nerghes, Netherlands
Client of Hanneke J. Nijland

“Belinda has an incisive perception and ability to get to the heart of the matter. I did work with her in one session that would have taken a year with a traditional therapist, establishing trust and digging through the layers. She’s helping me graduate into a whole new paradigm of life.”

Eden W, USA
Client of Belinda Noakes

“It's been a privilege to work with you and was worth every penny and more. After a traumatic induction and Caesarean first time, I achieved the birth I wanted this time. I marvel that the birth so closely resembled the intentions we worked on and learned so much of value which I have yet to unpack.”

Zoe Challenor, UK
Client of Charlotte Kanyi

"It's not easy to find someone who can meet me at the depth and nuance I need support in. Gulara creates a container of enormous support and thoughtful attention, cultivating a ripe environment for healing to take place. Do yourself a favour and enter into her realm, you will make significant shifts!”

Jane, UK
Client of Gulara Vincent

"Marja has the gift of being able to create a safe, loving space in which she intuitively and sensitively allows you to explore and resolve your issue. She is a shining example of someone who walks their talk and lives life to the full.”

Clare, UK
Client of Marja Koivisto

"NPA and Clare are flexible, and are led by where you are at the time you come to do the work. It allowed a seismic energetic shift for me – life feels full of life again, and much freer than anything before I started the work”

Anonymous, UK
Client of Clare Jackson

Would You Like To Become a Certified NPA Practitioner?


"NPA Mastery, our certified practitioner training, is about more than just NPA. It’s about up-levelling YOU as a facilitator of transformation and growth and how you approach your entire practice"
Joel Young, NPA Creator

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