Awareness & Growth Facilitators:

You’re about to discover the secret to shifting cravings, compulsions, addictions, urges and longings the easy way (and how the tools you’re using may be locking in resistance, making the shift harder than it needs to be and even adding to your clients’ suffering)

Watch this important video to find out why the way you've been working with cravings, compulsions, addictions, urges and longings may be letting you down and why this powerful identity-level technique is working like magic with them in clients all over the world 👇🏻

🛒 I'm In! Let's Do This

Use the code "CRUSHER" at checkout to get 80% Off!

Price £297 £59.40 (with coupon code)

Event takes place live on Zoom and will run twice:
Thur 1st Aug 1pm-4:30pm | Fri 2nd Aug 9am-12:30pm
(UK times)
Your ticket entitles you to attend either date.

Coupon Expires at Midnight on Jul 21st, that's in just:









Who Are They Feeding?

Cravings, compulsions, addictions, urges and longings…

When these are unhealthy and misaligned for a client and in the driving seat of their life, things can feel pretty dark for them. An absence of solid hope and an abundance of self-recrimination is a common landscape for people caught in the thrall of cravings and seeking help to become free of them.

The trouble is, most of the ways Awareness & Growth Facilitators like us have learned to address cravings, etc., take a personalised approach. In other words, success and failure become the responsibility and fault of the client… or the therapist… or the methodology for that matter…

In the world of personalised approaches there’s plenty of blame to go around.

That’s salt in the wound.
And it sucks!

But there IS another way.

Consider this:

What if the energy in charge of the cravings, etc., is not personal?

There’s an ‘energy’ that want’s to be ‘fed’. But that energy is not actually your client. It’s a distinct energy and not the client themselves - at least not who they really are - and I mean that in a very human sense, not just as a spiritual platitude.

What if then, the cycle of self-blame and recrimination, the sense of failure and self-loathing is all the result of misplaced identification and responsibility?

And what if you could offer a way for your client to address the cravings, etc., that is not only effective but also cuts out the personalisation; the salt in the wound that can be so excruciating for you and your client?

Would you be ready to approach these issues in that new way?

Join me at The Craving Crusher and I’ll show you how

At The Craving Crusher event you will learn a unique, quick and non-personal way to help your clients with cravings, compulsions, addictions, urges and longings. That means a total shift in how they move towards the sense of power, freedom and transformation they're looking for.

In my 1:1 practice and amongst our Certified NPA Practitioners, this is a natural go-to tool when clients are caught in the thrall of cravings.

This event will give you everything you need to start working with cravings, etc., in a whole new way!

What Our Certified NPA Practitioners (and those in training) Love About The NPA Craving Frame

At The Craving Crusher event you'll be learning an advanced NPA tool called The NPA Craving Frame™. The only other place I teach this is in NPA Mastery (our NPA Practitioner Certification Programme). Amongst our Certified NPA Practitioners, this is such an amazingly quick intervention, it's a natural go-to tool when clients are caught in the thrall of cravings. Here's some words of praise from a couple of them:

Charlotte Kanyi, Certified NPA Practitioner

Charlotte Kanyi

“The NPA Craving Frame™ is brilliant! I used it for a food craving. I noticed that even when I was full there would be a strong urge to continue eating until I was totally stuffed – with a strong pull towards sweet unhealthy foods. As I wish to be healthy this was creating an inner conflict and battle that I was losing as I would eat more and feel bad about it. The Craving Crusher completely transformed this. I gained insights into my behaviours that were fascinating in themselves. Then over the next few days, I noticed that I am eating differently and enjoying meals without the previous impulse to overeat. Every time I have used this Frame I have had a significant, measurable shift. It effortlessly reveals underlying patterns and then they just seem to slide off or lose their charge."

Clare Jackson

"'The NPA Craving Frame™ is a refreshingly blame-free way of exploring an addictive or craving type behaviour. It allows the behaviour to be explored/viewed from a number of different angles, with a kindness and lightness of touch that is not common when dealing with addictive energies.

It invites the sufferer to engage with the possibility of what lies on the other side of the craving/longing/addiction, and welcome that energy in.

When I’ve used this on myself or with clients, rather than the energy of beating oneself up for the behaviour, which is often present with craving/addiction, I’ve found it to be a very tender and moving experience that comes with helpful insights that allow shift to happen organically.

If you’re experiencing a craving or persistent behavioural trait that you just can’t shift, or know someone that is and it’s affecting you, I highly recommend taking this amazing opportunity to work with Joel, the Creator and Custodian of NPA; he’s a Maestro at this work - you’ll laugh (and possibly cry) and will leave having shifted around the issue, and with an insight into the power, possibility and magic of NPA."

Jane Griffin

“Thoroughly recommend Joel’s events, there’s the learning from Joel and his liberating expertise, also the opportunity for practical experience/participating and for 2 way feedback in a safe space, so it’s a tailored experience.

Then, the takeaway of now being able use the newly learnt expertise on yourself and others after the course in your day to day life!”

Your Ticket Will Give You: 

  • Full instructions on how to use The NPA Craving Frame™ with hands on experience and live coaching so you can feel confident to use it with your clients.
  • Help your clients release the stranglehold of their cravings, ending their cycle of failure and pain and guide them into freedom and self-love.
  • Know how to shine a light on the energy behind the cravings so it can't hide in the shadows and you can actually make a lasting change.
  • Learn how to uncover the 'charge' that keeps them bound to the cravings without getting side-tracked or caught up in dead-end analysis.
  • Discover how to neutralise that 'charge' so they can reclaim their power and set themselves free.
  • This unique tool will also help you release any of your unhealthy cravings, compulsions, addictions, urges and longings that may be holding you back in your practice or life.
  • Ticket to attend the live online event on either date so you can choose a time that suits your calendar.
  • All downloadable worksheets via email so you can have the notes to hand whenever you need them.

Plus As A Bonus: 

You'll get access to all the recordings via our online portal so you can review the course at anytime and on any of your devices.

This class combines teaching and practical exercises so you learn experientially. That means you'll gain understanding and the confidence to use it skilfully with your clients. Plus, you'll get to clear your own craving issues as you go.

The NPA Craving Frame™ is such an amazingly quick intervention for clients struggling to escape the clutches of their cravings.

It's not just cravings though; this NPA Frame also works with compulsions, addictions, urges and longings - all of which are core issues your client may experience on any healing journey. This tool makes navigating this territory so effortless.

If you're a healer, therapist, coach or do any kind of change work with clients, then this is an incredible tool to add to your skillset.

You don't, however, need to be a professional to use what you learn. This class will give you everything you need to crush the cravings in your own life.

Use the code "CRUSHER" at checkout to get 80% Off!

Price £297 £59.40 (with coupon code)

Event takes place live on Zoom and will run twice:
Thur 1st Aug 1pm-4:30pm | Fri 2nd Aug 9am-12:30pm
(UK times)
Your ticket entitles you to attend either date.

🛒 I'm In! Let's Do This!

Coupon Expires at Midnight on Jul 21st, that's in just: