Discover Exactly How To See Through All Those Abusive Mind-Games People Play On You; Become Immune To Their Tricks And Sneaky Tactics And Ensure You Can
If you've been triggered, manipulated and feel like you're weirdly controllable by someone - whether by a boss, a loved one, an ex, somebody who calls themselves a friend… then this video will tell you how you can end that today!
Introductory Offer: £249 You Pay Just £99 (Limited Time)
Instant Access | 30 Day Guarantee | Discover The Manipulation Tactics They're Using On You And How To Counter Them
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When you understand the manipulators games and tactics you get x-ray like vision and effective immunity. This programme gives you everything you need so you can NEVER BE MANIPULATED AGAIN

Know The Manipulator
Know who and what you're dealing with when you learn how to discern the difference between a manipulation tactic in the hands of a generally healthy person vs a seriously toxic person.

Understand The Big Game
Discover the manipulators 'meta-tactic' that underpins all the variations and discover how you can get ahead of their game to stay immune and empowered.

Know Their Tactics
Get the 7 manipulation tactics laid bare so you can never be tricked by them again. Plus discover the counter measures you need that will completely negate their power and keep you free and clear.
Act NOW and get over 60% off, saving £150.
Instant Access | 30 Day Guarantee
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